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Basics on Building a Greenhouse

Basics on Building a Greenhouse

Do you love to get your hands dirty from time to time? Do you have a green thumb? Are you inclined towards growing your own produce that’s fresh and invigorating? If your answer to all these questions is yes, install a modern greenhouse in your home! Even better, build one yourself—because when you create something from the ground up, it’ll turn out even better. 

Building a greenhouse is an exciting project that will allow you to grow food and flowers, even during harsh winter months. They’re also one of the best ways to make your garden more sustainable. And we’re sure you’ve heard that the plant that receives hands-on love grows better! 

Greenhouses keep pests out, help control the humidity inside your home, and protect your plants from the harsher elements outside while insulating them right. They’re also an enthralling experience to share with your family members. 

So if you’re ready to transform your home experience while growing the ripest fruits, freshest flowers, and richest herbs, let’s dive into how you can do so with our simple greenhouse ideas. 

Things to Keep in Mind Before Building a Greenhouse 

Basics on Building a Greenhouse

Urban greenhouses are a substantial investment for homeowners looking to spruce it up without compromising their lifestyles. And there are so many types of urban greenhouses you can install, ranging from a Victorian greenhouse to a wrought iron greenhouse to a simple, traditional one. We’ll dive into all that soon. Before we do, here are the factors to consider before building a greenhouse: 

Site Selection

When choosing where to place your modern greenhouse, keep in mind that it needs to be in a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. In case you live in an area that receives heavy rain or snowfall, you’ll also have to consider access to drainage patterns. Make sure that the ground of the spot you select is level and solid enough to support the weight of the structure.


There are many materials you’ll need to build your greenhouse:

  • Wood for framing.
  • Panels for covering walls. 
  • Roofing material such as plastic sheeting or polycarbonate sheets for insulation.
  • Hammers, screwdrivers, and nails for attaching pieces together.
  • Shovels for digging holes for posts.
  • Paint brushes and rollers if painting surfaces inside or out.
  • Power tools such as drills/drivers/grinders if working with metal objects such as pipes or steel beams.
  • Ladders if needing access over high areas. 
Roof Design

Slope your roof a few degrees from vertical in order to shed water effectively. This helps prevent leaks and pooling inside the greenhouse itself!

The Types of Greenhouses You Can Build

Basics on Building a Greenhouse

There are many types of greenhouse ideas to take into consideration without having to spend too much money or have a professional come help you ‌get the job done. You can use them for all kinds of things, such as starting plants in your garden from seeds or housing countless varieties of plants and flowers. Here are some types you can consider building: 

  • Wrought Iron Greenhouse: An attractive, heavy-duty greenhouse that's a good match for the DIY-minded amongst us. Wrought iron greenhouses are an excellent choice for gardeners who are looking for a more permanent structure. They are also easy to maintain, which makes them a good choice for those who have little time or energy for gardening tasks like cleaning out their greenhouse.

  • Cottage Greenhouse: A cottage greenhouse is a great option for aspiring homeowners that don't have room for a standard greenhouse. They’re also more cost-effective! This charming little structure offers all the perks of a traditional greenhouse—including a year-round growing season and reduced maintenance costs—with an aesthetic that's sure to fit in with your home decor.

  • Glass Greenhouse:  Glass greenhouses are popular for their ability to provide a controlled environment for plants and other living things. The glass helps to keep the temperature of the greenhouse consistent, which is important because the temperature can affect how well plants grow. Besides keeping temperatures consistent, glass also protects plants from harsh weather ‌such as wind or snow.

  • Victorian Greenhouse:  Victorian greenhouses are a beautiful way to bring the outside in. With their tall, arched windows and intricate details, they are works of art that can add charm and style to any home. They provide shelter from the wind and rain and can be heated with gas or electricity. 

  • So which one will you choose? It goes without saying, if you want something close to traditional that’s simple and small, opt for a cottage greenhouse. If you live in a place with extreme weather, a glass greenhouse would be ideal to combat those conditions. In such cases you can also opt for a wrought iron greenhouse for some extra sturdiness. And, if you want to keep it elegant and classy, opt for the Victorian greenhouse. 

    5 DIY Steps to Build a Greenhouse From Scratch

    Basics on Building a Greenhouse

    Once you’ve figured out the type of greenhouse you want in your home, it’s time to install! All you need to do is follow these simple steps to achieve the modern greenhouse of your dreams.

    Get your plans together

    You'll need to decide on the size, shape, and materials of your greenhouse before moving forward with construction. This will depend on your personal preferences and the space you have. For the material, a glass greenhouse would be great because it will let light through and won’t heat up as much as plastic or metal, but glass can also be expensive and hard to work with on your own. Metal and plastic are both lightweight and easy to work with—but they won't let any light through at all! You'll also want to figure out what kind of heating and cooling system you want to use, if any.

    Start digging

    Next, you will need to dig out the soil to prepare for laying down the foundation. You can do this with a shovel or with power equipment like a tractor or excavator if you have them. Dig down into the ground until you reach a depth of about 2-4 feet. This will create an area for water drainage and growing space for your plants. Make sure there aren't any rocks or roots that will get in the way!

    Build a base

    Now that your foundation is ready, it's time to lay down your base sheet material (this could be anything from concrete or asphalt to wood or plastic). The thickness of this material should be around 4 inches thick depending on what type of material you choose to use; however, most professionals recommend using 6-8 inches thick if possible because it will help with drainage issues later on down the road! 

    Install your posts

    After laying down ‌these materials properly, now it's time to install those posts and beams to make your frame! Cover the outside of your frame with waterproof plastic sheeting (this will keep moisture inside as well as protect against wind/snow). Secure it with stakes or bricks if necessary. You can also use polycarbonate panels. Make sure that you install them effectively so that there are no cracks or gaps between them when finished; otherwise, pests might get inside during the winter months when cold temperatures take over the weather!


    Add any personal touches as desired (colorful curtains for privacy or flowers hanging from the ceiling). You can structure your greenhouse in any way you like, whether that’s installing a Victorian arch to achieve a beautiful Victorian Greenhouse or a simple rustic structure for a Cottage Greenhouse. Now all you have to do is add soil, plant your seedlings, and wait for them to grow! 

    By now, hopefully, you won't be intimidated by the thought of building your own greenhouse. It is a great way to extend your growing season and maintain a consistent amount of produce throughout the year. For those who live in areas with harsh winter seasons or unpredictable weather, having a greenhouse can make all the difference in growing a successful vegetable garden—so start planning this weekend!


    Greenhouses offer a unique experience that no other structure can offer: they let you get close to nature without having to go outside! You can enjoy the sun and fresh air of the outdoors without getting cold, wet, or rained on. 

    So if you have a hankering for something unusual and love the thought of living off the land, an urban greenhouse is a good, low-cost option for both your plants and your livelihood.  They are simple to build, adjustable, flexible in shape and size, and require little maintenance once they're made. That and our modern greenhouse ideas should be enough to get you started. We promise the fruits of your labor will be worth it. 

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